- We use Gitlab's issue tracker for bug reports, feature requests etc.
- You are encouraged to use the paludis-user
mailing list, or the
IRC channel
. - The current version is . See the release notes and changelog.
- You should generally install Paludis using your distribution's package manager, rather than by hand. However, if you can't do that, you can download Paludis or browse the source.
Paludis is a multi-format package manager. It can currently be used on Gentoo and derivatives, using the ebuild and VDB repository formats, and on Exherbo using the exheres repository format.
- Features: an overview of Paludis, and how it differs from its predecessor, Portage.
- Getting started: where to begin.
- Pbins: how to work with binary packages.
- Contact: how to get in touch.
- General questions about Paludis.
- How do I do and use various things.
- Operation of Paludis.
- Stricter than Portage: why certain things happen to work with Portage, but not Paludis.
- Undesirable misfunctionality: why Paludis doesn't do certain things.
- Things Paludis does differently: why Paludis does some things differently.
- Repository questions.
- Upgrades, old bugs and migration.
In general:
- Hooks: how to execute additional code at well defined points.
- Syncers: options for built-in syncers, and how to implement custom sync protocols or override built-in syncers.
- Fetchers: options for built-in fetchers, and how to implement custom URI fetching protocols or replace built-in fetchers.
- Environment variables that Paludis itself recognises.
For the 'Paludis' environment:
- Configuration file formats in general, including
directories and.bash
dynamic configuration files. - Dependency specifications in general.
- specpath.conf, and where Paludis looks for configuration files.
- general.conf: for general options.
- keywords.conf or platforms.conf: for keywords or platforms.
- use.conf or options.conf: for USE flags or options.
- licenses.conf or licences.conf: for licence filtering.
- mirrors.conf: for mirrors.
- output.conf: for output configuration and logging.
- package_mask.conf and package_unmask.conf: for masks.
- bashrc: for package build environment options.
- suggestions.conf: for suggestions.
- sets/*.conf: for user defined package sets.
- repositories/*.conf and repository_defaults.conf
Client Documentation
For users:
- cave, the new, improved and modular console package management client.
API Documentation
- There are examples of how to use the API and bindings.
- The core library code is written in C++.
Bindings are available for: